“Enrolling all of our team members to Enki has resulted in a fundamental, positive impact in how we work.”

Sam Purtill
CTO & Co-Founder 


  • San Francisco, CA
  • 100-500 employees
  • Marketplace, B2B


Jyve is a tech platform that matches brands’ in-store execution needs with the right skilled labor, at the right time. Half the team are technical, and the other half are in operations or support roles. Radically improving efficiency in the context of regular customer, sales and process analysis was a key motivation for Jyve to partner with Enki.

In this case study, we cover how we helped them do this, along with the other benefits that Jyve achieved by being part of the Enki platform.

Self-sufficiency with Data 

Prior to partnering with Enki, understanding of SQL varied a lot across the Jyve team. Those without SQL experience often had to wait more than 7 days for reports to be completed, due to the backlog of data analyst requests. This created a frustrating information bottleneck that needed to be fixed.

Having completed just the SQL 101 module of the Enki SQL Track, the results are night and day. For example, the whole operations team at Jyve is now able to extract information needed from the database themselves, allowing them to build and check reports in under an hour rather than wait up to a week for others.

“I was waiting for 2-7 days for reports to be built before. Now I can get them in 30min. We’ve eased the analyst backlog.” - Freddie 

The ability to instantly create reports has not only increased each team’s autonomy but also provided them with greater efficiency and efficacy. Regular workflows are now completed faster, and new avenues of opportunities have opened up.

One member of the operations team said that “Enki has given me the freedom to have data at my fingertips”, while another remarked how “I am now more self-sufficient, and able to explore the database in ways I couldn’t before, which is pretty exciting”.

This increased self-sufficiency has been attributed to the Enki structure which is organized in a way that is accessible even to those with no background with SQL, thanks to the bite-sized lessons and mentorship provided.

“I think before I felt that realm was too out of reach. I didn’t think I could grasp it. My new basic understanding of SQL has opened up my eyes that these technical tools are accessible.” - Joey 

Saving analyst and dev time  

Having the whole ops team part of the Enki platform has had a significant impact in cutting down analyst and dev time, because team members now feel confident running their own queries and checking nuances themselves.

"Now I run my own queries and spend 5-10 min checking them with an analyst. Instead of 30-60min every time from the analyst as before. I think we’ve cut down analyst time by 75%+." - Erin 

On top of this, having the developers who weren’t already experts in SQL go through the course has also given benefits. While the team already possessed a strong background in Django ORM, they were pleased with how Enki delivered a much more in-depth understanding of SQL.

As well as adding a string that every developer should have in their bow, this deeper knowledge of SQL has allowed them to become a second source of “analytical” support within the company. This helps with data analytics and business reports company-wide dramatically.

This range in the accessibility of Enki has ensured that team members of all skill levels derived a benefit from the course. Notably, one of the QA team members informed us how his new SQL skills enabled him to identify and understand the scope of a bug which was resulting in unnecessary loss. The team was then able to quickly isolate and resolve the issue.

“We avoided a potentially huge problem using my skills to find a bug that affected a material amount of data related to tasks done within 200 stores.” - Will

Improved collaboration between devs and non-devs

Having a shared foundation in SQL has materially improved the teamwork between Jyve’s developers and non-developers. There’s a notable difference in collaboration among employees now that non-devs are able to properly articulate their needs to developers.

Even more remarkable is the non-developers’ new-found ability to work with and discuss the queries that developers are writing since they are no longer intimidated by data-related processes and tasks.

“Now I know how our systems are set up, and can articulate my needs much better. It’s gold that I’m able to communicate with our analyst team now.” - Erin

Ultimately, learning SQL has been essential at Jyve to save time, build confidence in the context of data, and increase collaboration across the team. Those at Jyve who participated in EnkiCamp were especially pleased with the pacing and level of detail contained in the SQL course.

On top of all this, Enki provided Jyve members a professional learning opportunity and an added skill that they can use both at Jyve and in their career in general.

“It’s totally an investment worth making. If you can make everyone inside your company smarter, you’re unlocking so much potential from your people. You’re investing in the intellectual capital of your organization, which pays off by a lot.” - Sam Purtill CTO & Co-Founder 

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