I had a bit of experience with SQL but I didn't have a fundamental understanding of how relational databases worked as well as how to execute more complicated queries such as table joins.
I came into the course wanting to improve my SQL skills but I didn't expect to have improved them as much as I have. It was amazing how much ground we covered in 4 weeks. I enjoyed the course so much that I didn't want it to end!
Before Enki, I didn't know how to approach many of the questions that I wanted to solve using SQL. This meant that I either had to pay to outsource the work or that I simply wasn't able to complete some of my projects. This was tremendously frustrating.
After the first couple months with Enki I had the confidence and necessary SQL skills to complete these reports. In fact, I have completed over 20 reports since! This has really improved the efficiency of my work but also saved my company a lot of money.
My favourite part of the course would probably be the project. It was brilliant to be able to work on and get feedback on something that created an immediate impact and was of tremendous value to my company.
Having that friendly technical colleague by your side at all times isn’t cheap! But our software allocates their time in a way that makes it 10X more cost-effective than if it was all offline.