Fintech is changing in a major way. Here's how...

Immad is the CEO and founder of Mercury Bank - one of the fastest-growing fintech companies today, backed by Andreessen Horowitz, SV Angel, Naval Ravikant and many more top-tier investors. Ian is the CEO and founder of Fintech Today, a community and content company focused on the fintech startup ecosystem.

I totally agree that embedded finance and embedded in some of the biggest shifts that's going on right now.

The democratization and the barrier of entry that I mentioned has gotten really low. I think it started out with banking the service and making it easier to make a debit card. And now you kind of see it spreading to other sectors, like, like lending, insurance. I think what it does really open up, which is really interesting to me, is the potential of bigger platforms getting more involved in financial services, leveraging. They're really highly engaged user base and things like that to sell financial products or even just augment different features and products that they have. For instance, the Stocks app is something that I never use, but the functionality is really the same. There's no reason that they can't have Robinhood products inside of the Apple iOS Stocks app.

I think we'll start seeing a lot more of those kind of creative uses. I'm not saying that's just one off top of my head, but I think a lot of big tech companies have been kind of exploring from a product perspective how to integrate some of these different kinds of services and products into their futures.

Up next

How to describe SPAC to a Grandma?

Episode Highlights

Compliance for Fintech is scary. Here's how to deal with it...
Compliance for Fintech is scary. Here's how to deal with it...
What is embedded Fintech and why does it matter?
What is embedded Fintech and why does it matter?
Fintech is changing in a major way. Here's how...
Fintech is changing in a major way. Here's how...
How to describe SPAC to a Grandma?
How to describe SPAC to a Grandma?
Are Fintech valuations out of control?
Are Fintech valuations out of control?
Why big banks should buy Fintech startups...
Why big banks should buy Fintech startups...
How to set up operating principles for your startup
How to set up operating principles for your startup
If you're a Fintech startup, here's what you need to know...
If you're a Fintech startup, here's what you need to know...
Why Fintech is so exciting for employees
Why Fintech is so exciting for employees
Fintech and crypto. Are we there yet?
Fintech and crypto. Are we there yet?
Navigating through startup drama with Immad and Ian
Navigating through startup drama with Immad and Ian

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